Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Target Position

I am a Hunter of new business. I excel at being dropped into a sales territory, finding and closing business and growing that business to drive maximum revenue.

I have spent my career moving up through organizations based on my natural relationship building, planning, execution and leadership skills. Whether this is selling million dollar software deals, managing multi million dollar, high visibility technology projects, multi million corporate relationships or multi million dollar armored fighting vehicles, I have always been able to keep things moving forward in a symbiotic and mutually beneficial manner, while keeping most of the people happy most of the time and generating revenue.

If you review my customer references; all from Fortune 100 companies, all from senior level management, you will see that all of my experiences have led to happy customers who feel that the skills that I posses bring value to their companies. All these customers bought more software as a result of my engagement.

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